
Drug Abuse Prevention Starts with Parents.

Drugs, including marijuana and opiates, are easily available to children and adolescents. As a parent, you have a major impact on your child’s decision not to use drugs. TALKING TO KIDS ABOUT DRUGS. TALK THEY HEAR YOU!

Family Checkup – Positive Parenting Prevents Drug Abuse

English (PDF)   |   Spanish (PDF)


Show you disapprove of underage drinking


Show you care about your child’s happiness and well-being


Show you’re a good source of information about alcohol


Show you’re paying attention and you’ll notice if your child drinks


Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding underage drinking


Home – Talk About It


Stop misuse and addiction before it starts. Talking to your family about the dangers of opioids can cut their risk of future misuse in half. The Talk About It campaign gives parents the tools and resources they need to start vital conversations and protect their families.

Don’t worry; you don’t have to get everything across in one talk. Many small talks are better.